Protect Our Soils, Support Amendments to H.501

Call To Action!

Support the protection of Vermont Soils and urge our legislators to apply a precautionary approach to HOW food residuals are managed in Vermont in order to avoid contaminants like micro plastics.

In 2018 the Agency of Natural Resources quietly reinterpreted critical definitions and policies in the Universal Recycling Law pertaining to the separation of discarded food from its packaging and other potential pollutants. This has led to the comingling of plastics with food materials, many of which include PFAS, for mechanical depacking. Both microplastics and PFAS are not removable from soil and are known to cause human and ecological health effects, and are taken up by food crops.

If you believe in a regenerative Vermont food system and want to know with certainty that the compost and other soil amendments you are purchasing do not contain toxins, this is the time to take action.

We are facing strong headwinds and we need your help. In addition to potentially contaminating soils, the ANR reinterpretation flies in the face of the democratic process, undermining a clearly written law and privileges industrial operators at the expense small operators, farms and ecology.

The Protect Our Soils Coalition has been working hard for three years on this issue and we need support from Vermonters. Take action now to support House Bill 501, which is now in the Senate Natural Resources Committee and ask them to adopt the amendments put forward by the Protect our Soils Coalition. Urge them to take a precautionary approach to stewarding our natural resources.

Support farms and healthy soils!


Write an email to any or all of the committee members below and find your Senator here: